Sunday 15 November 2009

Starting at university

I was very apprehensive to start the course, as I was nervous about making new friends and finding my way around. It was also a big step for me, becoming more independent and not being surrounding by people I knew.
Travelling was also a concern for me as I have to get 2 buses to university and 2 buses back, which then made me worry about being late for a lecture or even being way too early, and having to sit around on my tod. However, after being here a couple of weeks, I think to myself "why did I worry?". Everyone on the course is really friendly and i have found it easy to make new friends, it's easy enough to find your way around, and the buses aren't as much of a bother as I thought they would be.
So far I'm enjoying the whole experience, and as time goes on I'm positive I'll enjoy it even more.

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