Sunday 15 November 2009

About me/ Hopes and Aspirations

Well, I chose Media studies with visual cultures course, as in A level I studied Drama and Art. Both of these I thoroughly enjoyed especially drama, as I loved getting up and performing as well as analysing the plays and trying to 'read' the characters and what they were really thinking. However, even though my drama teacher told me many of times, I should pursue with acting I knew deep down that it wasn't something I wanted to concentrate on solely, which brought me to Media studies. I thought the course would incorporate, both aspects from Drama and Art giving me the best of both. Also the course offers many different skills that would be useful in many careers, which for me is ideal as i'm not sure what I would like to do in the future which sometimes worries me slightly, but its just I don't want to make the wrong decision.
Drama and performing has been a major part of my life for many years. My interest for drama grew at a young age through primary and junior school, in which I would take part in all productions and audition hard to get a leading role; this then became more of an interest and hobby of mine when I joined a local theatre group on RAF St Athan base, and took part in the production ‘Sleeping Beauty’.
During my time in secondary school I have involved myself within the drama department and taken part in a major production of ‘High School Musical’, I have also taken part in opening evening performances and became a member of the choir in which singing concerts took place within the church during Christmas. Along with performing roles I have also helped work back stage and also used the knowledge I have about my experience in drama to help teach the younger pupils within the school. I would still like to do some drama related work, and so I intend in the new year on apply to do some extra's work for television.

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